Pubg From the recently released ( jungle map of Sanhok, a 4x4kmn ) new snow map called Vikendi, there’s always at least one man stand and killed to all of 99 player field in which to get your next chicken dinner. keep updated on all of the PUBG Latest maps, we are now just cover up have assembled this everything we know about all the upcoming PUbg battlegrounds.
PUBG: However, the newest PUBG battlegrounds newest map is very different. This ice cold Map is 6x6km and Map Name is Vikendi vehicle tracks & tracks footsteps as u battle it out in there shadow of a huge snow mountain. Here’s is everything we know all about the new PUBG battlegrounds maps.
Now Finally, the new map of Pubg Released now just update your game and download the new map of pubg the name Map call ( Vikendi Map ) this map is snow map and 6x6KM Size of a map.
Vikendi Map, in terms of size & the type of battles of Pubg it promotes, sits in the middle of Erangel & Sanhok. but it’s Vikendi Map got a faster pace than the biggest maps.
“Pubg BattleGrounds have a lot of Game players they love the fast rush of the 4×4 Sanhok map, definitely a large amount of pubg players enjoy the larger Map but some player now, the 8×8 maps like Miramar and Erengal,” says Dave Curd