Just after midnight, a magnitude 3.7 earthquake shook Los Angeles and a wave of light spread throughout the Los Angeles Basin.
The quake struck at 12:03 pm on Wednesday. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, there have been enough tremors to move vessels and parked windows and cars at South LA, Englewood, Clover City, Plymouth, and Los Angeles International Airport.
Weak tremors were felt in the LA Basin and San Fernando and San Gabriel valleys and northern Orange County.
The epicenter is about 800 meters southeast of Slawson and La Brea.
The quake struck near the Newport Inglewood fault zone. The New Port-Inglewood fault has long been regarded as one of the most important areas of earthquake risk in southern California, as it covers some of the largest areas in the region, extending from West Los Angeles to the coast. Orange County
The failure of New Port-Inglewood caused the worst earthquake in southern California’s history – a 6.4-magnitude earthquake in Long Beach in 1933 that killed 120 people.
The defect is now linked to the Rose Valley Fault System in San Diego. The 6.8 to 7.5 earthquake scientists have been affected by the Newport-Inglewood / Rose Canyon fault system, which stretches from the Beverly Hills-Los Angeles border to the Long Beach coast and from Orange County to downtown San Diego.
Earthquake, sudden eruption due to the passage of seismic waves through the rocks of the earth. Earthquake waves occur when any kind of energy stored in the earth’s crust is released suddenly, usually when large masses of rock suddenly rise against each other.
Breaks and “slides”. Earthquakes are often found in geological faults, in narrow areas where rocks move relative to each other. The world’s main fault lines lie on the edges of the large tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s crust.
Earthquakes were considered bad until the birth of earthquakes in the early 20th century. Earthquakes, which include scientific research on all aspects of earthquakes, have long answered questions about why and how earthquakes occur.
Every year there are about 50,000 earthquakes around the world, large enough to detect without any equipment. There are hundreds of them, if their centers are close to residential areas, they will suffer a lot. The average earthquake occurs once a year. They have been responsible for the deaths and tens of millions of property losses for centuries.
The major earthquakes occur mainly on the belt, which corresponds to the margin of the tectonic plates. It appeared on the first catalog of earthquakes in a long time to be felt and was even more familiar with modern seismic maps, which manually define earthquakes. The most important earthquake belt is the Pacific Belt, which is home to many coastal populations around the Pacific.
For example, New Zealand, New Guinea, Japan, the peninsula affect the Elysian, Alaska and the West. On the north and south coasts. The United States estimates that 80% of the energy released during the earthquake came from people whose centers were in the strip. Earthquake activity is not uniform across the belt, and there are many branches at different locations. Because sarcasm is associated with volcanic activity in many places, it is a popular nickname